It's possible that this ring was developed very early on in the game's development and when the changes were made to the Farron Greatsword's moveset, they forgot to change the description. Although this ring is described to enhance the Abyss Watchers' specific fighting style, the fact that the Farron Greatsword does not require any FP for its entire moveset (including the swinging L1 and the parrying dagger) makes this ring quite illogical in a gameplay perspective.

Master of Rings achievement in DARK SOULS III (PC) 0: Hide ads. Dropped by Hawkwood, but not if you kill him early in the game. exit and circle the building to find this ring on a corpse.Acquired by talking to Hawkwood after defeating the Abyss Watchers and placing their Cinders on their throne.Reduces Skill FP consumption by up to 25%.Wolf's blood provided just that, and this ring further extends the effect. The Abyss Watchers, for their hunting, required a sword technique that went beyond any existing art.